Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Known Bugs in version 8.10.30

I want to thank ShawdowInc for inspiring this article. By now, if you haven't upgraded to eoStar 2008, I would recommend that you wait for eoStar 2009 since we will be releasing in it soon. I hope by the end of January. It has some really cool features that I will cover in another article.

In the past couple of weeks we ran into more issues with version 8.10.30. They have all been addressed in the 2009 version. The issues are:

1. Upgrade will fail if you are trying to upgrade from a 2007 with a "versions" column error (hence my recommendation that you wait to upgrade to 2009.

2. When during a return on a pre-sale order for an item that was sold at a discount and the promo has since expired, the program didn't stamp the promo nid on the line item, which will cause the total invoice to be incorrect even though the discount amount will display on the line item. As a work around you can schedule a script to run that will sent the correct bit in the orderlines.

3. The FIFO logic would not consider the inventory available for usage until the next day when a negative write off was used to increase inventory. This caused a discrepancy between FIFO and the online inventory system which resulted in a zero cost for the remaining cases for the day the write off was created.

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