Monday, November 3, 2008

Bug fixes this week (11/3/08)

Development has been busy this week; we’ve fixed quite a few bugs or “features” depending on how you look at things. I just talked to a user and she was upset we fixed some of the printing bugs since she like the fact that the program would hang on to the printer.

1. Program no longer KABOOMS when viewing a purchase with no line items.

2. Corrected an issue where the printer setting where sticking to the crystal report resulting in all jobs going to the same printer.

3. Optimized the auto bump rules screens.

4. Optimized the performance to load and re-price orders within Recon.

5. Fixed a bug where the order would not highlight on the left deliveries grid upon clicking on a ticket number from the payment grid in reconciliation.

6. Fixed a bug in the reconciliation summary report where the report would print extra line items.

7. Corrected an issue in the price look up logic for returns in reconciliation.

And the biggest bug:
Fix the issue where the program would freeze when the user tried to fully synch but nothing happens. This bug was actually a .NetFrameWorks 3.5 issue, which is why it started once you upgraded to eoMobileCF 2008.

Here is the blog of relevance (scroll down to the threadpool stuff),date,2008-03-24.aspx

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